Message from JHESS President

بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيمنحمده ونصلي م على رسوله الكريم Dear MemberMuharram Mubarak to everyoneWe welcome Muharram 1443 within the midst of the 3rd wave with Cape Town being the epicentre.Over recent months many families have endured loss of lives of not one family member but multiple family members within days; this is certainly unprecedented in our lifetime.We pray that Allah grant all Marhoomeen Jannatul Firduas Ameen.We also appeal to you to follow the non-pharmaceutical protocols and get vaccinated sooner than later.Muharram is one of the four sacred months, a month that we should increase our thikrs, charity and goodness towards one another.In this month of Muharram we are also reminded of the sacrifices made by Imam Husain ibn Ali (RA) and his companions who were tragically martyred.We ask Allah to grant us the spirit of Imam Husain as we face the many challenges in countering the spread of the COVID 19 virus by remaining steadfast in our belief in Allah (SWT).Allah reminds us in Surah l-sharḥ (94:5), “Indeed, with every difficulty, comes relief.” He repeats it to emphasize the message. Allah demands us to turn all attention to Him and worship Him Alone.Have a Blessed New Year Mohamed Salie SCPRESIDENT10 August...