Message from JHESS President
بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم
نحمده ونصلي ونسلّم على رسوله الكريم
Dear Member
Tomorrow being the 15th of Shabaan corresponding to 8 April 2020, we will be
commemorating the auspicious and blessed night of Laylatul Bara’ah after Maghrib.
It is a night filled with numerous blessings and due to the national lockdown we
are compelled to immerse ourselves in prayers in our respective homes instead of
congregational prayers in our Masaajid. On this blessed night, we beseech the
Almighty to remove this plague from each corner of the world and return
prosperity, health, compassion, and kindness to humanity.
We should pray to Almighty Allah to make it easy on all nations and importantly
our health professionals throughout the world in the fight against COVID 19.
The JHESS executive has launched a JHESS COVID 19 Humanitarian Fund to
enable us to assist the indigent and vulnerable in our JHESS fraternity.
I will be communicating with you regularly during this difficult period of time. It
will be useful if you could forward your email address or updated mobile numbers
to any of the executive members so that we remain in touch to offer one another
support in these dire times.
Wishing you all the best on the Blessed Night of Laylatul Bara’ah.
Remember us in your duahs.
Stay Home, Stay Safe, Stay Healthy.
Yours sincerely
Mohamed Salie SC
Issued: 7 April 2020