Extended appeal to support the Gaza Humanitarian Crisis

ٱلسَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ We have observed over the past 10 days Death & Destruction live on multiple media platforms which is unprecedented – the massacre of children; unwarranted death of innocent civilians; the inhumane attack on hospitals; shutting down of water and electricity; blockage of food and fuel; the demolition of residential enclaves and places of worship by the illegitimate apartheid Israeli government supported by the USA and Western nations. Our humanity, ethos and values calls on us to support the Palestinians urgently in this hour of need.We have considered that the best vehicle to transfer funds in aid to the Palestinians is via the internationally recognized humanitarian aid agency, the Gift of the Givers. JHESS will contribute fifty thousand rand and call on all members/supporters to supplement this amount by generously making a personal contribution by depositing it into our bank account. We extended the appeal to the 30 November 2023. Bank: FNBAccount Name: Janjira Habsani Educational & Social SocietyAccount Number: 76200336636Type: InvestmentRef: Name Surname – Gaza 23 We will transfer the members/supporters contributions collected to top up the JHESS R50, 000.00 to Gift of the Givers in the name of JHESS.We thank you in advance and May Allah reward you. We stand united with the Palestinian people until freedom is achieved Jazakallah b KhairDr Nisaar KorowlayCHAIRPERSONIssued: 12 November...