The past year has been the most challenging period of our lives due to the COVID -19 global pandemic.
Learners, educators, and parents have had to adjust to a new norm in schooling and educational experience.
Our Grade 12 Class of 2020 will commence with their final year examinations soon, and write exams between 5 November and 15 December 2020. Students at tertiary institutions will also be writing their exams, and this is a particularly significant time for tertiary students completing their final year exams prior to graduating.
We take this opportunity to wish them all every success in their examinations and ask parents and families to support them during these stressful times.
We wish them the best of luck
To the educators, we say a big thank you for all your efforts.
NA Koorowlay
PS: Please email us via of your results for our annual awards ceremony with all your contact details.