The Month of Rajab 1442
ٱلسَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ
Jummah Mubarak
The month of Rajab is the precursor to the months of Shabaan and Ramadaan.
The significance of this month is heightened as we have now commenced the first vaccination of frontline health care workers against the COVID virus in our country.
We hope this is the beginning of reaching population immunity against the COVID virus as we emerge from the second wave. We pray that the predicted third wave will be nullified, In Shaa Allah.
We also take this opportunity to congratulate the Class of 2020 for achieving academic success in their Matric exams, which were written under challenging learning conditions. Mubarak to all!
We wish to remind learners that our deadline for the JHESS Bursary applications has been extended to 31 March 2021. Application forms are available online on the JHESS webpage.
On 5 March 2021, it will be the first anniversary of the first COVID case in South Africa.
We remember all Marhomeen who succumbed to this virus over the past year. We also salute all health workers for risking their lives daily to take care of us. Let us continue to seek Allah’s forgiveness and mercy.
JHESS members committed to complete Quran Khatams in memory of our loved ones. We will be concluding the Quran Khatam led by Shaykh Ismail Isaacs virtually on 5 March 2021 at 20h30. Shaykh Sadullah Khan will be making the closing duah and we invite you all to join us on Zoom by clicking on link below:
Should your family wish to complete a Khatam, please let us know.
Whilst the vaccination roll out has commenced, we request you to remain vigilant and continue to adhere to the non-pharmaceutical protocols.
The vaccination will limit the virulence of the virus but the COVID virus will still be around. It is imperative that we still adhere to the GOLDEN RULES of maintaining physical distancing, wearing a mask properly and washing our hands regularly.
Finally, as we approach Ramadaan, we appeal to you to contribute generously to our Food & Fitra campaigns, our Orphan campaign and our Bursary and COVID Humanitarian Funds.
We look forward to you joining us on Friday 5 March 2021 @ 20h30 on Zoom.
Dr Nisaar Korowlay
Issued: 26 February 2021